Thursday, November 14, 2013

Five things.

It's hard to really sit back and appreciate your life when you are busy all day long. You just go through the motions of life and never stop to realize how something simple, if you slow down and take a minute, can bring your busy day some happiness. 

Work,kids,school,dinner,laundry,cleaning,bills and every other thing we have to do in a day seems so overwhelming. So today I am going to stress less and think about simple things that really make me appreciate my life. 

1. Long drives. Today Jack and I had to run errands. Jack was sooooo talkative and I enjoyed every minute of our conversation. He is still trying to grasp that we eat animals so our entire conversation was about, "Mommy, what other died animals we eat?" "Do we eat girrafs?" It was so wonderful. 

2. Today I am thankful for lattes. That I didn't make. That taste like the holidays. Enough said. I'm addicted. 

3. This smell is amazing. I am really thankful for these that make my house smell wonderful. 

4. I am thankful I have a heathy,smart,beautiful,amazing, loving son who ran into my room just now and said, " You make my heart feel better. " literally my heart just melted. 

5. My husband. Who works so hard for our family. Who has 2 jobs to make sure we live comfortably. Who is my best friend. The one I can tell anything to. The one who keeps me going. The one who still thinks he is 21 and keeps things entertaining at our house. The one who our son adores. Who talks about him all day. The one that makes our family, a family. I am truly blessed. 

----- Today Jack is thankful for "mommy's car. That's all." 

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