Monday, December 29, 2014

A glimpse of our Christmas

I've rarely taken pictures as of late, because I'm focusing more of being IN the moment, as opposed to looking at memories through my phone lense. We had a fabulous Christmas and our little family is very blessed. We soaked up a lot of family time that was much needed. Cheers to 2015! 

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Tacky lights. I love them. TJ and I have been visiting this crazy house for 8 years. Way before marriage and children. We would drive to this place every winter and  gaze in amazement. What's even more amazing is having your child remember his favorite things from the year before and trying to find them again. Jack's favorite is the cutout grinch on top on the chimney and the sleeping Santa.

Before we left, Jack emptied his piggy bank and found 4 quarters to make a donation and to buy a cup of hot chocolate. He was so excited to pay for his own cup! We saw everything about 3 times. Jack was hopping back and forth, trying to see if he missed something. I love traditions and I love Jack getting so excited about it, just like I did the first time I went with TJ way back when we were 18! 

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Yesterday was our 5th wedding anniversary and, as always, I am sick as a dog. I believe last year we spent our night at patient first and this year we spent it ordering in and watching Netflix. I want to apologize to my sweet husband for ruining our second year in a row. Although, I actually loved eating Chinese in bed and watching romantic comedies. I've been with this man almost 10 years, 5 years as a married couple, and I love him more each day. TJ, if you're reading this, thank you for choosing me and for giving me 2 babies! Xoxox

Monday, December 15, 2014


"A portrait if my child once a week, every week, in 2014." 

Jack- at his Christmas performance. 3rd row from the bottom to the right. My angel! 

Christmas Town

I'm writing this blog at 2:30 a.m.,  I have insomnia and can't sleep. Woohoo. This would be the second time we have gone with Jack's cousins and the rest of the family for Christmas Town at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. The lights there are amazing. Everywhere you turn around there is something beautiful to take in. If you are in a grinch mood, this is where you go to take in the holiday peace. Too bad the line for Santa was a 3 hour wait, but the kids still had a blast riding the swings, planes, and hot air balloon rides!

I'm so ready for Christmas! 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

What a weekend

I've been so ready for this weekend. TJ has been gone for an entire week for a work conference, so I was excited for him to spend the weekend with us. I was ready to get in the Christmas spirit and bake, go see lights, and have some relaxation at home. 

Unfortunately, this weekend, my car battery has left me waiting for a jump twice and Jack is sick. 

Saturday was a joyous day for working half a day and spending the rest of the day at Auto Zone and the grocery store. Sunday, Jack woke up with a swollen eye so we headed to the doctor and confirmed his first case of pink eye. Now Jack is quarantined to the house until Tuesday. 

What an eventful weekend, maybe I'll be in the Christmas spirit by next weekend. This little baby is taken a toll on my energy level so I apologize with the sporadic posts. Cooking a baby is hard work!

UPDATE: we return to the scene of the crime 6 hours later where Jack is screaming in the waiting area for 30 minutes about his ear. What seems like a lifetime later, he is now diagnosed with an ear infection and his pink eye is now in both eyes. He screamed until we were able to give him medicine. Before we reversed the car from the parking lot, he fell asleep. My heart just broke seeing him in all that pain. 


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Jack- asleep with Harry
In love with his new toy from the Rudolph collection

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sharing some love

This has been a long time in the making. TJ and I have been going back and forth for YEARS on the idea of a second babe. We have prayed about it, budgeted 5 million times, and have asked ourselves if we're are crazy every day. We decided we are crazy and we started trying for a little one December of 2014. I figured it would take a few months and BAM, we would be pregnant. Month after month I found myself crying and thinking next month, definately next month. I started keep a journal about my struggles and how I was dealing with them. I began to think that we would only be blessed with one little boy. My doctor said this could take up to a year or longer. 

We just kept praying. 

Finally, after almost a year of trying, we received our positive. We are still in shock. Our little firecracker is due July, 4 2015. At 8w3d our little miracle's heartbeat was 137bpm. 

The struggle was just part of our story. The disappointment each month was just God's way of saying, "I've got something better." Be patient. Live life. Have faith. 

Jack is more than excited and already is kissing the baby all the time. We are so blessed that our baby will have Jack as their big brother. What a great example he/she will get to follow. 

Monday, December 1, 2014


Sorry I have been MIA lately and have been neglecting my little blog. We have been out of town for the holiday where we soaked up a little beach time down in myrtle. Every other year we gather in a huge beach house with my grandparents, aunts, and cousins to share thanksgiving together. We ate, ran the turkey trot, cooked, played cornhole, watched football, and made lots of memories. A little getaway is just what we needed. We are very thankful! Here's some bits and pieces of what we've been up to:

I just noticed I have no pictures from thanksgiving day and mostly took beach/sunrise/sunset pics.