Wednesday, November 12, 2014


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014."

Jack- grass stains, no shirt and grilled cheese. Eating dinner on the counter- mom fail.

Monday, November 3, 2014


"A portrait of my child, once a week, every week, I'm 2014."

Currently the last pictures in my camera roll. I wonder who got a hold of my phone last night..? 

Saturday, November 1, 2014


That's right. The holidays are colliding faster and faster each year. The eve before Halloween Jack and I were watching ELF on TV before bedtime.
Really?! Slooooow downnnnnn. 

Speaking of doing the total opposite, literally from the time I left work to the end of the night, it was rush rush rush. I left work at 5, rushed through traffic to meet TJ and Jack at my parents, got in the car, drove 15 minutes to TJ's parents  for dinner, got back in the car and drove to where we were going to trick or treat. I'm tired just writing this, but all in all, it was a great night. My ninja turtle got lots of candy and was very polite. 

Saturday after Halloween has been pretty lazy. We did venture out to Target where everything for Halloween was 50% off and Christmas surrounded us. Pillows, dishes, wrapping paper, you name it. Are we just skipping thanksgiving alltogether? 

I need to take in moments to enjoy the holiday process and not be rushed by department stores. Light a candle, read a book with a comfy blanket, or sip on some hot peppermint tea. I need to do little crafts with Jack and spend time with family. 

Here are some pictures of my little ninja turtle and his cousins before all the candy intake. 

Xoxo happy holidays. Let the craziness begin!